Nancy L Rackoff
A Century in the Law - A Focus on the Future
Our goal as attorneys is to provide the highest quality of legal service to our clients, and to represent them with loyalty and zeal within the bounds of the law and the ethics of our profession. We hope to be uncompromising in our concern for and representation of our clients. We will not, however, compromise the legal or ethical principles of our profession, nor will we represent those who would have us do so.
Nancy L Rackoff
Tener Van Kirk Wolf & Moore
1 Oxford Centre #2100
301 Grant St
Pittsburgh PA 15219
Tel: 412 281-5580
FAX: 412 281-6115
Nature of the Practice
Like many areas of endeavor, the legal climate has become increasingly complex and the amount of knowledge and information required to keep current in every field of law has expanded tremendously. Constant review of new developments, particularly in the field of taxation, is an absolute necessity to provide superior service and advice. In response to this challenge, we have chosen to concentrate our efforts on the legal practice areas in which we have developed our highest level of expertise.
Tener, Van Kirk, Wolf & Moore is engaged in the practice of law with a focus on areas which touch on personal planning and finances for individuals and families: wills, estates and trusts, taxation, financial and pension planning, business planning, and real estate law.
Our work in litigation is primarily confined to the Orphans' Court Division, whose jurisdiction includes estates and trusts, minors and guardianships. Where advisable, we are pleased to refer clients to trial or other lawyers with particular competence in the field required, and to work with them on the client's behalf. In this regard we view ourselves not unlike the family doctor, who may be of considerable help by referring a patient appropriately.
With this focus, we hope to be able to provide you, the client, with expertise in these areas while maintaining a personal and small firm atmosphere.
